Wednesday, August 16, 2023

C&W Bonus: One Plastic Rock Ball

There's been a major update on my search for the Post Pebbles Plastic Rock Ball Cereal Premium, which previously came up on Episode 06 and 08 of the show. Enjoy this unexpected episode while you wait for C&W to return in October. Thank you zeitgeist!

Friday, August 4, 2023

WUH: The Return of the Living Kid

Cleo is finally back and we've got a hefty round of movie watches and recs. From an undersung Stephen King adaptation to a modern comedy classic to a sun-drenched folk tale we dive into a few faves of the last few months.

C&W Episodes 6, 7, and 8!

Still being bad about posting the C&W episodes!! Won't you have a listen? And remember you can always find them over on our Spreaker page, or your preferred podcast platform.